Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Spinach smoothies

Tanner and I have already been trying to eat more fruits and vegetables everyday, so we've been drinking these for a while, and we love them!

1 1/4 c water
1 c (I always just do two big handfuls) fresh spinach
1/2 packet orange sunrise no calorie sweetener (it's the crystal light for water bottles, half of that, or any flavor you like)
1 1/4 cup fresh or frozen fruit (strawberries work especially well with spinach, bananas are the only thing I've found that aren't as good with it)

Add water and spinach to blender and blend until liquified. Add sweetener and fruit and blend until smooth. If needed, add ice until to desired consistency.

*We used to do these with vanilla soy milk instead of water and they taste awesome and you don't have to use the sweetener, but there are more calories in it with the soy milk.

With this you get 2 good foods and 1 cup of your daily water intake, or three if you use the milk. This keeps us full and makes us feel great. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. This is a yummy recipe, I have tried it too. But I usually just add 100% apple juice instead of adding the sweetener. I also like to use strawberries, blueberries and rasberries.
